
KR Leather & Fabrics represents over 20 of the finest leather tanneries worldwide to offer the most comprehensive leather collection available. KR Leather & Fabrics offers leather for any specification, hospitality,residential home,contract, RV,aircraft. We have a wide selection of exotic leathers  and hand wiped leathers that are the most dramatic and exciting leather products available. We stock all the leather products in our facility  for immediate delivery. If its leather... KR Leather & Fabrics has you covered.


Pigmented Leathers

Natural Leathers

Birkdale 1 Leathers

Uptown Leathers

Wildlife 1 Leathers

Wildlife 2 Leathers

Wildlife 3 Leathers

Raptor Leathers

Birkdale 2 Leathers

Phone: 828-465-1832
Fax: 828-465-1856

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